Tech Trek Navigator: David Holmberg, CPhT-Adv

David Holmberg has been working at his family’s independent pharmacy on the island of Martha’s Vineyard since he was 16, for nearly 20 years, and one day hopes to take over the family business. The most influential person in his life is his father, who is his pharmacist, mentor, and best friend.

How did you get involved in regulatory compliance?

For the longest time, my dad was the only pharmacist and things would get backed up. I started working my way towards a managerial position. I just came in and helped him get things organized and on track and in a good place. 

What do you like about regulatory compliance?

What I like about regulatory compliance is being organized and knowing I did it and did it right rather than relying on someone else. I’m most definitely interested in getting [PTCB’s credential]. The more you put into your studying and your career, the more you get out of it.

What made you pursue PTCB’s Advanced Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT-Adv) credential and what would you tell people who are considering earning theirs?

I was looking to gain more knowledge and I want to have the highest level I can obtain. It’s not about your employer as to why you should get it; it’s about bettering yourself, advancing your education, understanding the job you're doing, and feeling better about yourself.

Tell us about your experience at an independent pharmacy.

Independent pharmacies have more opportunities for pharmacy technicians. I love being able to get myself to a high level. I have spent more than half my life achieving that. And being in a tourist town affects us greatly. We go from 20,000 year-round residents to 120,000 seasonal residents. Transfers from other stores take a lot of time. Staffing has been difficult, especially since the pandemic.

What advice do you have for pharmacy technicians interested in a regulatory compliance role?

Don't stop asking questions. Don’t stop doing your own research. Act as if you are a pharmacist and learn the regulations and rules they have to abide by. When something new comes up I always research it. I’m constantly reading things and updating my knowledge. You have to do that with regulatory compliance. Things can change on a daily basis.



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