Improving Patient Care Each Day

"In the end, I wouldn’t trade any bad days because they’ve taught me how to cope, adapt, and be a better technician every day."

September 29, 2020

“I’m in my 14th year as a pharmacy tech. At first, I was bummed because I hit 30 and was “only” a pharmacy technician. I felt like being a pharmacist is where I should’ve been by 30. But now I’m 34 and am happy with where I am in life. I know I’m good at what I do and what I do is all for my patients. They keep me going and each hold a very special place in my heart. 

I’ve only worked in two different pharmacies, so I’ve made A LOT of friendships over the years. I’ve lost a lot of patients, too. But in the end, I wouldn’t trade any bad days because they’ve taught me how to cope, adapt, and be a better technician every day. It takes someone special to be a pharmacy technician.”

-Danelle Starr, CPhT

Kelsey-Seybold Pharmacy, Webster, TX