Compounding Alcohol Antiseptic Solution

"We compound this 80% solution inside 55 gallon barrels and ship them off to other hospitals under the health system."

May 19, 2020

“It all began with a shortage. This shortage is vital to disinfecting our ‘high touched’ areas, as well as our hands. It's hand sanitizer and we make an alcohol antiseptic solution for the whole hospital. We compound this 80% solution inside 55 gallon barrels and ship them off to other hospitals under the health system. We were turning to this solution twice a day. Whereas the first shift has a larger pull for help, those of us on the second shift sometimes have to compound this product by ourselves. That means one person pouring over 55 gallons of different types of alcohols, hydrogen peroxide, glycerin and water. It's very manual work moving barrels and keeping paperwork together. 

The production is moving away from pharmacy and it concerns me because we are giving our ‘baby’ to someone who hasn't done a compound like this and at a higher demand than ever before. It's a little out of my hands, as a technician, but I am always asking my manager questions and staying engaged. If I can give some points, they would be to take breaks often, follow the rules and never feel like what you are doing isn't enough or appreciated.”

-Bryan M. Wilson, CPhT

Pharmacy Technician II, Duke University Hospital System, Durham, NC